QA-7, 26 April 2022, Statement of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Tanju Bilgiç, in Response to a Question Regarding the Security Cooperation Agreement Signed with Zambia

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 26.04.2022

Zambia is a country with which we have multidimensional relations in Sub-Saharan Africa and our cooperation in the field of security carries significance in this context.

The Security Cooperation Agreement between our country and Zambia, signed in 2018, has a very broad scope comprising the fight against organized crime and terrorism. With this aspect, the agreement stands to contribute to the security cooperation between the two countries in every field.

The Zambian authorities specifically chose to keep the relevant elements in the agreement with a view to maintaining the security of large water areas the country possesses. As a matter of fact, Zambia has a Marine Unit that carries out patrol activities. The said Unit does not only provide security in the region but also undertakes the task of obstructing illegal border crossings. It is known that Zambia, which is also a founding member of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region that operates for the attainment of stability in the Great Lakes Region in Sub-Saharan Africa, attaches special importance to cooperation in the field of security in the lakes that form its borders.

On the other hand, speculations on the agreement disregard the fact that the content had been finalized in coordination with the Zambian authorities. It goes without saying that the Zambian authorities are in the best position to assess their country's needs and future prospects for cooperation.

In this respect, realization of the objectives envisaged by the said Security Cooperation Agreement will contribute to the common security of our respective countries as well as our regions.


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