No: 82, 12 March 2022, Press Release Regarding the Attack on the Turkish Martyrdom Monument in Sana

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 12.03.2022

We strongly condemn the treacherous attack made by the Houti elements on the Monument of Turkish Martyrs in Sana in the morning of 12 March, causing damage to the site.

Disrespect to the Turkish heritage in Yemen, which is a symbol of our common history and our deep-rooted relations with this country, is completely unacceptable.

We expect the damage to the monument to be repaired and the perpetrators of this attack to be held accountable without delay.

We have no doubt that the friendly and brotherly people of Yemen will also condemn this treacherous attack.


Pazar - Perşembe

09:00 - 13:00 / 13:30 - 17:00

Mesai saatleri dışında Acil Durumlar için Nöbetçi Memur Telefonu: +218-92-1429923
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