No: 321, 2 October 2021, Press Release Regarding the Escalatory Activities of Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration in the Eastern Mediterranean

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı 02.10.2021

As known, the main cause of the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean in recent years has been Greece’s and Greek Cypriot Administration’s (GCA) maximalist maritime jurisdiction area claims and unilateral acts that ignore Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC) rights and interests in the Eastern Mediterranean.

H.E. President Erdogan proposed the EU to convene an inclusive conference in the Eastern Mediterranean last year, and the TRNC, the co-owner of the island, made a detailed proposal to the Greek Cypriot side on 13 July 2019 regarding hydrocarbon resources.

Despite the fact that all these proposals are on the table, Greece and the GCA have been attempting to engage in unilateral and provocative activities in recent months by increasing the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.

In addition to Greece’s recent attempts to violate our continental shelf in the East-Med recently, the GCA has also announced that it will launch a research activity on 3 October with an Italian-owned, Maltese-flagged ship in the region, breaching both TRNC’s rights and violating Turkey’s continental shelf. Besides, GCA has announced that it will commence a new drilling operation in the south of the Island in November.

All these unilateral acts will increase tension in the East-Med and threaten peace and stability.

All necessary steps are being taken against these unilateral acts of Greece and GCA both on the ground and at the table. Also, it is being brought to the attention of third countries that they should not be part of these unilateral acts.

We will resolutely continue to protect our country’s and TRNC’s rights in the East-Med.


Pazar - Perşembe

09:00 - 13:00 / 13:30 - 17:00

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