Message of H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey, On Republic Day

Trablus Büyükelçiliği 29.10.2018

I celebrate the 29 October Republic Day of our citizens who live in our country and abroad, as well as all our friends accompanying us on this day which is source of joy and pride.

At the 95th anniversary of the proclamation of our Republic, I commemorate all our heroes, in particular Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, leading our victory on the War of Liberation and the foundation of our new state.

I express our gratitude to our Members of Parliament making efforts for the liberation, development, growth and strengthening of our country as the representatives of our national will, since the First Assembly up until now.

I wish Allah’s mercy upon all our ancestors, martyrs and veterans shedding blood and making great efforts for every inch of the Anatolian territory, our millennial motherland.

The sacred memory of the members of our security forces and citizens who lost their lives during the fight against terrorism and on July 15th will forever remain in our nation’s heart and maintain their place in the identity of our state.

I see each step we have taken towards an advanced democracy and a strong economy in our efforts to carry our country “beyond the level of contemporary civilizations” as a light kindled for our glorious future.

Our new airport, which we are inaugurating today in İstanbul, is one of these lights.

Inshallah, we will crown our great and everlasting journey, starting from Seljuk Empire to Ottoman Empire and reaching the young Republic of Turkey, with our 2023 goals and carry it to a higher level with our visions for 2053 and 2071.

Each progress starting from our victory in Manzikert and continuing with the other ones in Çanakkale, Kut’ul Amare, Dumlupınar and Cyprus during the last century and our humanitarian stance in Syria is the symbol of the noble stance of our nation.

Each success of Turkey also nurtures, boosts and catalyses the hopes in the hearts of the oppressed and victims in our region and all over the world, as well as in the common conscience of mankind.

For this reason, our country ranks first in humanitarian assistance relative to its national income, although it is the world’s 17th biggest economy.

While everyone closed their doors and hearts to asylum seekers, Turkey heartily welcomed them, being the only country that rightly fulfils its humanitarian responsibilities.

It is quite an honour for us to make history as a nation that shares its home and bread with the oppressed, instead of turning its back on them, and always makes its choices in favour of equity and justice.

We will make no concessions to our stance, and never allow any obstacle, sabotage or design prevent us from reaching our goals.

We will continue working with all our strength for the Republic of Turkey to stand forever, as we reach the 95th anniversary of its foundation.

With these thoughts, I celebrate once again our 29 October Republic Day.


Pazar - Perşembe

09:00 - 13:00 / 13:30 - 17:00

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